2018 HOPE Endorsed Pension Board Candidates
Your HMEPS (Houston Municipal Employee Pension System) Board provides retirement, disability and survivor benefits for eligible employees of the City of Houston.
HMEPS is administered by an 11-member Board including four current and two retired City of Houston workers to serve as Elected Trustees, ensuring that the concerns of the city workers are well represented.
HOPE members recognize the importance of protecting the promise of a secure retirement. That is why the PATH (Political Action Through HOPE) committee utilized a thorough screening process to identify the candidates that would best serve on the HMEPS Board.
Your newly elected HOPE Executive Board approved the PATH recommendations as follows:
- Sherry Mose (Current Chairman)
- Roy W. Sanchez (Current Vice Chairman)
- Roderick J. Newman (Current Retiree Trustee)
These three candidates have numerous years of experience fighting to make sure the Pension is secure for the many City of Houston current and former workers who will depend on the promised benefits.
Click here for more information about you HMEPS Board of Trustees.
HMEPS Board of Trustees Election Process
All HOPE members are asked to support candidates Sherry Mose, Roy W. Sanchez, and Roderick J. Newman in the upcoming HMEPS Election.
Ballots were mailed out during the week of July 9th and include information on how to exercise votes both by mail, by phone, and online.
You will need your 6 digit Personal Identification Number enclosed in the mailed ballot to vote. If you don't have it, call the pension office at 7135950100 today!
The deadline for all forms of ballots, including mailed ballots, to be received is Friday, July 27th, 2018 by 4:00 PM.
PATH (Political Action Through HOPE) Screening Process

PATH members hard at work reviewing questionnaires and scorecards for the talented folks running for the HMEPS Pension Board Trustee open positions. Candidates both turned in thorough questionnaires and made themselves available to meet with PATH members for further clarity on their qualifications.
Your PATH Committee is charged with empowering HOPE to be a positive political force at the local, state, and national levels in compliance with the AFSCME PEOPLE program and applicable law.
Per HOPE Constitution and By-Laws, the PATH is charged with executing a screening process to recommend endorsements and support for qualified candidates who embrace the HOPE mission.
To this end, several talented and qualified candidates seeking the endorsement of HOPE members completed a thorough 14 part candidate questionnaire.
Candidates and PATH members further had the opportunity to reach clarity on the responses, experience, and positions by meeting with the committee.
PATH Committee members carefully considered both the written and verbal responses of the candidates and entered their assessments on a crafted scorecard to help govern their choices for the best possible candidates.
These choices were then recommended to your newly elected HOPE Executive Board where they were unanimously approved.